Posts tagged Dominican blogger
5 Bachelorette Party Ideas

From relaxing at the Spa to nude model painting to dancing the night away, here are 5 unique, IG-worthy Bachelorette celebration ideas.

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6 Ways to Include Your Kids In Your Wedding

Finding a special way to include your child into your wedding should be part of the fun. Here are my 6 favorite ideas to include your kids in your wedding.

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Easter Fun for Toddlers

Easter is right around the corner, if you don’t have weekend plans yet, here are five Easter fun activities to do with your toddler.

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3-Month Fitness Guide: Wedding Countdown

Today I’m sharing my 3-Month Fitness Guide: Wedding Countdown. The perk is that this isn’t necessarily a bridal fitness plan. Whether you are going to be a Bridesmaid, getting in better shape for the summer, or, better yet, just looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, this fitness plan is perfect for you. Here I break it down into simple steps.

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Toddler Dinosaur Birthday Party

Throw a ROARsome Dinosaur Birthday party your toddler won’t forget! Check out this guide for ideas on everything from the Dinosaur Birthday invitation and party supplies to dinosaur birthday cake and games.

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Nighttime Potty Training Plan You Need To Try

Potty training a toddler is one thing. Nighttime potty training a toddler seems like a completely different monster to tackle. Here’s the simple bedtime potty training plan that worked for us!

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Our Dream Wedding Planning Q&A

Argenis and I have been pretty stress-free with the wedding planning until I was lying in bed last week and had a mini panic attack when I realized we were only four months away from our wedding! Buckling down with our dream wedding planning, I’m answering all your wedding planning questions today!

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Simple Chores for Toddlers

Thought your toddler was too young to help out? Think again. Simple chores for toddlers is a great start to motivating your kids to help around the house.

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Rincón, Puerto Rico: Things To Do

Rincón ‘corner’ known as the Town of Beautiful Sunsets, is a surfer’s dream come true. We’re not surfers and on vacation with two toddlers, crazy waves was not what we were looking for. Luckily for us, Rincón was a laid-back escape in Puerto Rico where we really got to relax with the kids.

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2018 Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts He'll Actually Love

Whether it’s for your brother or dad, co-worker, father in law or hubby, here’s my 2018 Holiday Gift Guide with gifts he’ll actually love.

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