Nighttime Potty Training Plan You Need To Try

Bedtime Potty Training | Nighttime Potty Training | 3 Day Potty Training | 3 Day Potty Training Method |  Potty Training | Potty Training Boys | Potty Training Sleep | Toddler Life |

Our soon-to-be 3-year-old has been potty trained for at least a year now. He still has the once-in-a-blue moment when he might get so caught up doing something that he has a potty accident but that’s to be expected. I recently looked into the 3-Day Potty Training Method again to potty train our 19-month-old this time (yes, we have two toddlers at home) which got me thinking it was also time to give nighttime potty training for our big boy a try. I frequently get asked how I knew when it was time to start potty training. The truth is, I didn’t. There’s no potty training age that is right. It’s more about trial and error and lot’s of accidents but like everything else, one day they will get it and check off another milestone.

Here are the steps we took for nighttime potty training:

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  1. Make sure your toddler is daytime potty trained.

  2. We already had a waterproof mattress cover. If you don’t, I highly recommend you purchase one before trying this method. It will be one less headache to deal with.

  3. As usual, we had him use the potty before bed time. We always have him try to go #1 and #2.

  4. I explained to our toddler that since he’s now a Big Boy, he no longer needed diapers for bedtime. He was all for it and excitedly agreed that he was a big boy. With just his undies under his pj’s off to bed he went.

  5. The only real trick to bedtime potty training hits around 3-4 hours after your toddler has gone to bed (or right before you go to bed which is what we’ve been doing). Carry them to the potty, without waking them. I know it might sound weird but trust me, your toddler will most likely not even wake up. Once they sit on the toilet, though, they will most likely get the urge to go. If not, just hold him there and gently continue asking him to pipi until he does.

  6. Depending on how you feel about it, you can repeat step 5 and take your toddler to the potty once more before morning but we have actually left it at just one bathroom trip and he has woken up nice and dry in the morning.

  7. An accident doesn’t mean they’re not ready. It’s bound to happen even after they seem to completely get it. It’s just part of the learning process for them. So if this does happen, change their clothes and try again.

  8. On dry mornings, wake up and celebrate with them. We do a little happy dance and finish it off with a High-Five.

We just completed our first of week of bedtime potty training and I’m happy to say we’ve only had two accidents with the last three nights being a total success! I’m confident this bedtime potty training plan will work for you too and if it doesn't just switch it up until it does. Every child is different and only you know what works best for them.

Is this your first go at bedtime potty training? Any potty training tips you would add?

You may also enjoy: Toddler Potty Training Fail and Favorite Bedtime Toddler Books.

Bedtime Potty Training | Nighttime Potty Training | 3 Day Potty Training | 3 Day Potty Training Method |  Potty Training | Potty Training Boys | Potty Training Sleep | Toddler Life |
Bedtime Potty Training | Nighttime Potty Training | 3 Day Potty Training | 3 Day Potty Training Method |  Potty Training | Potty Training Boys | Potty Training Sleep | Toddler Life |