Posts tagged salvadoran
5 Packing Tips for Flying With Toddlers

If you are heading off on a family vacation, here are my 5 packing tips for flying with toddlers.

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Día de Muertos: 5 Things To Know

It wasn’t until I went to Mexico for the first time and bought a beautifully hand-painted Calavera (skull) that I decided to actually look into the meaning behind them. Here are 5 things that I learned about Día de Muertos.

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Pumpkin Picking: Family Fun

We finally went pumpkin picking and checked off one of our Fall Bucket List activities and also completed another first for all four of us! Right here in Brooklyn, we headed to Green Meadow Farm for some pumpkin picking family fun.

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Raising Bilingual Toddlers

I was born and raised in New York but with a Salvadoran mom and Dominican dad, was raised as Latina as can be. Even before I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to raise my children bilingual and have them go between English and Spanish as easily as I do. Here are a few things I’ve learned on our path to raising bilingual toddlers.

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Fall Bucket List 2018

Fall is here and although you may hear me complain about how cold it is every two seconds, I’m kind of excited for the change. Loving to have things to look forward to, here’s my Fall Bucket List 2018. I’m sure you can take a few of these and make them your own.

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