Making Fitness Fun: Workout Routines To Try

Making fitness part of your lifestyle will completely change you but let’s be honest, unless we find ways to sometimes change things up a bit, our workout routines can get boring and repetitive. For the last 30 days, with #MamacitaProject via Instagram, I decided to set out to try 1-2 different workouts a week. From Bikram to Cycling, I managed to not only challenge myself and keep my body guessing but I also had so much doing so while even rediscovering my love for yoga. Something about trying new things that makes me so happy.

Fun Fitness classes to try | Fun Fitness Classes | low impact fitness classes | low impact workouts | Bikram | Pilates | Benefits of Barre | Barre workouts | Pilates workouts | exercise routines | Ana Jacqueline |

Whether it’s just for fun or because you are a looking for a workout routine that you will enjoy enough to make this part of your lifestyle, I got you covered. Below is a list of all the classes I tried out this month and I also added my usual workout which is boxing becaus, for me, nothing beats boxing. Click on any class to read on what each fitness class is about, my experience and the benefits of that specific workout routine.

  • YOGA








    I didn’t write a complete post on Hot Yoga but it is not to be mistaken with Bikram (as I did when I signed up). Hot Yoga takes place in a room at about 85-90 degrees as opposed to Bikram which is heated to 105 degrees. Hot yoga is a great option to practice your vinyasa moves while sweating away your stress.

You may also enjoy: 3-Month Fitness Guide Countdown and 5 Steps To Jump Start Weight-Loss.

Fun Fitness classes to try | Fun Fitness Classes | low impact fitness classes | low impact workouts | Bikram | Pilates | Benefits of Barre | Barre workouts | Pilates workouts | exercise routines | Ana Jacqueline |