Potty Training Regression: 4 Helpful Tips

Potty Training | Potty Training Regression | Toddler Potty Training | Toddler Potty Regression |  Potty Training Regression Tips | Ana Jacqueline | www.anajacqueline.com

Your toddler is potty trained, out of diapers and solely into big boy undies. One random day he has an accident which turns into a week of daily accidents! Yup, that’s what happened to us last week. Now, before you have a full-on breakdown, take a deep breath and continue reading.

Turns out that potty training regression happens more times than not and although your child is seemingly potty trained, it might be years before they go without accidents, especially when sleeping. Spoiler Alert: After almost a week of random accidents, with just one day of following the advice I provided below, our 3-year-old is back to his potty-trained self and now that I’ve actually read up on the topic, I am more aware about the fact that mistakes may still randomly happen for the next couple of years.


Even though it may be incredibly frustrating, stay calm and remember that, especially so early on, potty training regression is normal. The more you freak out, the more they will stress out so just count to ten and relax.


Even negative attention is attention. Experts say that punishing a child for a potty accident will only backfire. Giving a child time out for example for bed wetting, especially, makes no sense because it’s not in your child’s control for many years to come.


Instead of focusing on the potty training regression, give your attention to the things they are doing right with picking up their toys, eating all their food, washing their hands… Give lots of hugs, kisses and cuddles and remind them of the good job they’re doing. I mean, who doesn’t love to feel appreciated and hear the things we are doing well?

Potty Training | Potty Training Regression | Toddler Potty Training | Toddler Potty Regression |  Potty Training Regression Tips | Ana Jacqueline | www.anajacqueline.com


Remember that whatever you did before worked so go back to that. Make it clear to your toddler that you expect them to go potty like a Big Boy (or Big Girl) and let them know how proud of them you are when they do. I promise, before you know it, your potty-trained cutie will be back on track.

You may also enjoy: Nighttime Potty Training Plan That Works and Simple Chores for Toddlers.