Benefits of Yoga at Work

Before babies, Argenis and I had made yoga our Sunday night thing. It would help us wind down from the week and we would end the day feeling brand new. Since we don't really have a sitter, yoga is one of those luxuries that we haven't been able to enjoy together after having babies. So when yoga in the workforce was brought up as a method to bond as a team while helping alleviate stress and anxiety, I was all for it!

Benefits of Yoga at Work | Yoga at Workforce | Benefits of Yoga | Benefits Corporate Yoga | Yoga At Work | #yogabenefits |#corporateyoga |

Work can be stressful, but who doesn't already know that. Yoga, on the other hand, helps relieve stress. See where I'm going with this? Incorporate yoga in the workplace and you will have a more productive workforce with higher levels of positive interactions between coworkers, and a team able to maintain focus for longer periods of time.

Since we all know each other, I knew doing yoga with my coworkers was going to be a little different in the sense of it being harder to not try and see what the other person was doing. Wanting to get the full yoga experience, I took one of the front mat positions to force myself to mind my own body. And for that one hour, nothing besides our own minds and bodies mattered. Even once the yoga session was over, there was such a different and calm aura in the air. I loved it!

Of course we can’t always have access to a full yoga class during our work day but, especially if you’re sitting at a desk all day, you should incorporate little techniques to help you relax a bit. Just lifting your arms and taking deep breaths will help with your posture and blood flow, and will help release stress you usually tend to hold onto in your neck and shoulders.

Fortunately for us all, an increasing number of companies are deciding to be more flexible with the work environment they provide and are promoting a better work/life balance. Finally!

Benefits of Yoga at Work

More employers are realizing that by doing so, whether it’s with corporate yoga or another stress relieving medium, they are actually doing what's best for the company as a whole. Helping establish a workplace that functions harmoniously. Improving employees levels of productivity. More employees feeling like they belong and employers finally achieving the feeling of family many boast about, but very few have actually attained.

Needless to say, my final verdict on yoga at work? Yes, please!


Thoughts? Has your place of work introduced yoga as a team bonding experience or way to relieve stress?

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