Ana Jacqueline - Latina Mom. Motherhood, Fitness, Travel... Life

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Baby food easy as 1-2-3

With the endless to-do list Mami’s have, making homemade baby food isn’t exactly a must-do but the more I learn about leading a healthy lifestyle, the more importance it took on my list.  Still breastfeeding my 7 month-old cutie, I feel organic food free of preservatives, hormones, and unnecessary additives was, at least for now, the best choice for me.

Buying mostly organic foods won't save you much money but the preconceived idea of it being too time-consuming is not really true.  I had already been feeding Achilles "real" food like banana’s and egg yolks as well as home-made soups and sancocho but my first experience at actually meal prepping for Achilles wasn't the mess I had thought it would be.  I prepared a typical dinner for the Mr. and I of chicken, brown rice and beans -all organic, and just put Achilles’ portion in the mixer and voila… had 4 servings of baby food ready.

According to the real judge in this case, I passed with flying colors.  Achilles loved every last bite.

One thing I don't understand with baby food is how low some of them are in protein.  Even when you check the nutritional information on a jar of Apple and Chicken, the amount of chicken used in only 1 1/2 teaspoons of chicken which means your baby is barely getting 1 gram of protein in his meal.  Making your own baby food isn't so easy for everybody.  Depending on how many other kids you have, your schedule and lifestyle if can feel like there's just no time but if you can manage to meal prep during the week and have at least one meal be made by you for each day, the perk is you know exactly what you are feeding your little one.

This is all a learning process so as I continue to try out different recipes I’ll continue to share with you Mami’s and I hope you do the same.  For now, you can check out Wholesome Baby Food  where you can find a bunch of recipes, food charts and important information.  Comment below with any recipe suggestions you think I should try out.

'Til next time lovelies!