Ana Jacqueline - Latina Mom. Motherhood, Fitness, Travel... Life

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Fall Bucket List 2018

Summer is gone and even though I held on to it ‘til the very last second, Fall is here and I am a little excited for the change. Warning though, you will most likely hear me complain about how cold it is every few seconds until Spring really sets in. That doesn’t mean I don’t love a warm cup of cocoa while I’m cozied up at home in my fun toe socks as I think about how to make the house a little more Fall ready.

Last year I created my first Fall Bucket List which actually worked as a nice reminder to get a few things marked off. Not wanting to mope around at the fact that I can’t just wear shorts and go to the park, here’s my Fall Bucket List 2018 with some new activities to try out, and some that I brought along from last year.


Running free, rolling around all the colorful leaves and being able to pick their favorite pumpkins, I know Achilles and Jade are going to love pumpkin picking. Argenis and I have never done this one so hopefully this time I actually check this one off my list!


Last year was our first Halloween as a family of four, and our first time dressing up in family themed Halloween costumes. Mr. and Mrs. Grouch, Cookie Monster & Cookie was a total hit and has definitely started a new family tradition for us that I am going to milk it for as long as they let us!

Seeing their reactions to all the costumes and spooky decoration at Owl Head’s Park annual Haunted Walk will either be lots of fun or a mini screaming fest. We’ll have to wait and see but here you can see some pics from last year’s event where we featured.


Last year one of my objectives to make my Fall Bucket List was to do a random act of kindness for a stranger and to incorporate spreading more love as part of my life. I have been pretty good with this one but am now taking it a step further with Màs Amor Movement which starting off consists of articles aimed at spreading more love, more compassion, and doing my part in being a voice for those who don’t have one.


Getting to pull out my knee high boots, chunky sweaters and fun layers always makes me a little more excited about the colder seasons. But splurging a little on a few new pieces is the cherry on top. Clean out your closet. Be honest with yourself and donate that piece you’ve had for years now but know you will never wear, and make space for your new goodies.


Just like with my wardrobe, switching up a few pieces at home and bringing out our Autumn decoration is always fun. This year the plan is to do at least two DIY Fall inspired home projects from Pinterest to spice up the Casa Arce-Frias.


Yes, this was on my Bucket List last year and no, I still haven’t obtained my license. I promise myself I will finally go take the road test before the season is over!


Watch Hocus Pocus. Come on, it’s Hocus Pocus, this one is self explanatory.


This is one that we checked off our list last year but it’s also one that we plan to turn into a family tradition. So say “Cheese” and get ready to snap away. Our Family Christmas Card from last year was actually a “fail” but it ended being the winner because it was the perfect picture representation of our family.


I love candles that transport me to the mood or feeling I want so for the Fall I love comforting, homey scents that make being home even sweeter while we’re cuddled up enjoying a good movie and extra big cup of cocoa (because I’m Salvadoran and whether it’s coffee or cocoa we always need a big ol’ mug) while we turn on our artificial fire place. If you haven’t realized yet, I love everything and anything that makes me feel warm and cozy.


We haven’t had a night without the babies since May! So this one is back on my list of things we need to work our magic to make happen for us at least once every couple of months. It’s always nice to let the carefree sides of ourselves come out to play even if it’s just for a handful of times a year.

What’s on your Fall Bucket List that’s not here?

You may also enjoy: Fall Bucket List 2017 and 15 Ways to Show Gratitude & Spread Love.


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