Life with Two Under Two
I have officially survived the first month as a Mami of Two under Two and although it's only been 1 month , this is a huge accomplishment. Since I'm a pro now... HA HA just kidding, here's part of my game plan that's helping me in handling two little ones while juggling life's everyday surprises.
My parents retired to the Dominican Republic years ago, so when my mom said she was coming to stay with us for 5 weeks I was over the moon excited. Not only would we get to spend quality time with her but I also wouldn't be left to deal with a 15-month-old, a newborn and a fresh c-section on my own while the Mr. was at work. The first two weeks she was here, before me giving birth, were perfect because we got to create lots of fun memories with just us and 15-month-old Achilles. For the three weeks following our baby girl Jade Avery's birth, she helped make the transition to a mami of two so much smoother but I won't deny I couldn't get over the nagging feeling in my heart that each day was a day closer to her going back home. The day before she left I asked her "How will I do this without you?!?" and she said "You just will. Because you have to". I didn't get it until she left, hubby was at work, and I was home alone with both babies. I just did what I had to do. Not without a tear or two but I did it because just like my mom said: "It's what I had to do".
The first couple of days I found myself back and forth between bedrooms and living room every single time one of the two needed a clean diaper or baby girl spit up. With a newborn who eats, poops and sleeps all day, you already know that takes up a lot of your time so besides the stack in Achilles' room, I set up two extra changing stations. One basket in our bedroom since she's sleeping in her bassinet for now and one basket in the living room both with wipes, diapers, a pacifier, rash cream, bib and burping cloth. So simple but I promise you this alone goes a long way in making things a bit easier.
Who ever invented baby swaddling is nothing less than a genius! Not only are babies comfy and secure since it reminds them of their time in you belly but it also ensures you both sleep peacefully throughout the night. So when I say swaddle like your sanity depends on it, do it because especially when handling two under two, it really does. Now don't hate me for this but I actually have no idea what it's like to go through a period of no sleep because of a baby but just the thought of it makes me cringe. As soon as bedtime comes around I wrap Jade Avery up like a cute little burrito, just like I did with Achilles, and trust me it works wonders. Breastfeed, swaddle, into her bassinet and nighty night. From around 10pm to 8am, not a peep from baby girl. Let's be serious, it doesn't get much better than that!
To different extremes, we are all creatures of habit. If you haven't already done so, introduce baby to a daily routine and things will run much smoother for everybody. When toddler and baby know what's coming, they will be that much more relaxed and happy which in turns means you'll be more relaxed and happy as well. Not to mention, when you set up a flexible schedule it soon becomes second nature making it even easier to go about your day.
To help keep from feeling guilty about now having to share yourself with two tiny people, carve out one on one time with each. Hubby and I try to have a little alone time with each of our babies so they both feel how loved they are while we create little everyday moments together but also separately.
One on one bonding time doesn't just apply to the little ones though, but also to you and hubby. It's not so easy for us but we finally managed to have a day on our own while babies got to spend time with their cousins. Can't forget that before becoming parents it was just you & him and once your no-longer-babies are all grown up and out the house it will be just you two again. Nothing like having some alone time to with your baby daddy to keep the fire ignited and then coming home to hug your little ones a little tighter.
Life with Two under Two is different but it's definitely not as hard as I feared it would be. Of course some moments I feel I'm on the verge of a breakdown but then Achilles will run up and kiss me or Jade Avery will smile up at me and I remember how blessed and lucky I am for this beautiful, chaotic life. It's inevitable; some days will be really, really hard but some days all the stars will magically align and everything will be perfect. Babies grow way too fast and soon we'll actually be missing these days when we are the center of their entire world. So make the best of it. Take lots of pictures. Enjoy every minute. Even the crying, poopy, chaotic days; because they usually make the best stories.
'Til next time Mami's!