Ana Jacqueline - Latina Mom. Motherhood, Fitness, Travel... Life

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Eat This (Not That) -Food Guideline

When talking to people who are trying to take a step to becoming healthier, I have noticed that one of the biggest issues is that most just really don't know what they should be eating to achieve their goals.  As soon as someone decides to try to lose weight or initiate a healthier lifestyle; all will mention salads, chicken, vegetables and fruits but are kind of lost from that step on and I feel this is one of the biggest culprits in people not succeeding.  Limiting yourself to only a handful of options will have you bored, hungry, and running to binge at the closest fast food restaurant feeling like it's just too hard.

Since your individual caloric needs will vary on your personal goals, body weight and activity level there is no specific diet plan that will work for everybody but I have created a general list of foods you want to eat to not just lose those extra pounds and tone up but also to become healthier.

One general tip I will give you, if your goal is weight loss, is to focus on consuming more protein than carbohydrates and to not forget to add in your healthy fats.  The less carbohydrates you consume, the more fat your body will need.  As ironic as it sounds, consuming more fat and less carbohydrates, will help your body shed fat.

Below is your food guideline which, if you commit, will help you in becoming a healthier, more fit version of yourself.  Now go and have fun with it, mix it up in the kitchen and you'll be pleasantly surprised with how delicious your meals can really be.  Good luck lovelies!