Ana Jacqueline - Latina Mom. Motherhood, Fitness, Travel... Life

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Body after Baby

As I was getting ready to write a new blog post I ran into a draft saved from January 25th and it made me smile at the way it directly relates to what I was going to write about today.  Instead of deleting it I thought it would actually be cool to update it with where I am today and share with you. So here goes...

January 25, 2016:

Keeping up with cardio and light weight lifting?  Piece of cake.  But just writing that first line has me craving pound cake.  See the issue?  Soon as I went into my second month in pregnancy,  high carb. foods was what my body kept asking me for and my healthier eating habits quickly started going down the drain.

In the perfectly detailed fairy tale pregnancy I had created in my mind (yes, you can laugh at me) my plan was to gain a maximum of 25 pounds during the complete 9 months, yet today at 33 weeks I have gained almost 30 pounds.  Obviously I was ready for all the hormones and cravings to change my eating habits but I can't lie and say that every time I see the number on the scale go up, I freak out a little more.  

I see it as every extra pound gained now is an extra pound I'll have to work off post-pregnancy and that's what really scaring me.  I know it's all related to the eternal overweight girl that lives within me; 210 pound 19 years old to be exact.  For some reason when you have been fat in your past, no matter where you are today a part of you doesn't let that image go and I don't say it in a negative way; just that a part of you (at least for me) always feels like that overweight girl. 

With approximately 7 weeks to go in my pregnancy, I am just trying to enjoy every last minute of it and believe that even though it might take hard work, I'm ready for it.  I mean, if I did it before, having absolutely no idea what I was doing, what's to stop me now right?

Today.  June 20, 2016:

What's to stop me now?  Nothing!  

I'll save the buildup and tell you that I am weighing 158 lbs which is what I weighed right before getting pregnant with Achilles!  Woot woot, I did it baby; and all without the over night "Snapback" super power some moms are blessed with.  Yes, super power because in my mind there is no other way to explain this phenomenon than it being a magical power.  For us non magical humans it takes a bit longer but if you're willing to put in the work, with your diet and workout routine, it's most definitely doable.  Genetically my body naturally leans more on the heavier side which is why pregnancy scared me so much in regards to my body but once I stopped worrying about it, I actually loved it.  I enjoyed seeing my body going through so many changes for 9 months (Hello boobies!!) and another whole set of changes 3 months after giving birth.  As a new mom, I hope you realize how amazing we really are and how blessed we are to be able to experience all of this.  

'Til next time lovelies!